Perda auditiva

Como posso ajudar um
ente querido que tem
perda auditiva?

Are there things I can do to support someone with hearing loss?

Hearing loss doesn't just affect the person who has it. It also affects spouses, family members and friends. Physically, the inability to hear warning sounds or the voices of dependents could potentially put lives in danger. Even emotionally, the impact can resonate throughout family and social circles — from frustration with repeating things over and over, to sadness at seeing a loved one isolate themselves from the people and activities they enjoy.

Five ways you can help

  • Talk to your loved one about their hearing concerns.
  • Gently remind them of their hearing loss every time you "translate" or repeat something for them.
  • Encourage them to visit a hearing professional to do more research and get their questions answered.
  • Offer to schedule and attend a hearing consultation with them.
  • Remind them they have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain by seeing a hearing professional.

Você pode gostar também:

  • Conversando com seu ente querido sobre a perda auditiva

    Frequentemente, as pessoas com perda auditiva são as últimas a aceitarem isso. Descubra porque é importante incentivar a melhor audição.

  • Ajudando um ente querido com perda auditiva

    Nosso folheto gratuito oferece dicas e conselhos para ajudar um ente querido com perda auditiva.

    Baixe o PDF
  • O que seu ente querido está experimentando?

    O simulador de perda auditiva ajuda você a entender o que seu ente querido pode estar passando.

    Descubra aqui